Come Back Home, set design Katrina Gaskell, lighting design Emanorwatty Saleh
 set for Come Back Home 2023
 Grandmother’s Footsteps scene, Come Back Home, 2023
 final party scene, Come Back Home, 2023
costume elements for When The World Turns, 2022
ants combo.1.jpeg
The Gardeners for Wildheads, Polyglot Theatre
 Wildheads - entrance to the creative space
Trailblazer for Polyglot Theatre
 Whale in the Atrium, Fed Square, Melbourne 2013
 tents waiting to be installed at Federation Square 2013
 Kids testing the tents for Trailblazer, at Irene Studios, 2013
 Trailblazer, Melbourne International Festival of Arts, Fed Square 2013
development for Nest
 inside the nest, development for Nest, 2020
Design and build for Head Hunter, a co-production with Ilbijeri Theatre, 2005
 making Head Hunter 2005
 spirit puppets, Head Hunter 2005
Hissy Fit
The Floating Zoo, puppet ensemble designed by Katrina Gaskell, 2001
 Mshai, build team Katrina Gaskell, Vanessa Ellis, Sonny Tilders
Purramurra from The Floating Zoo, 2001
Juanita from The Floating Zoo, 2001
Tom Tom from The Floating Zoo, 2001
Takashi from The Floating Zoo, 2001
Stop That House!
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